Our team
Chasseurs de Saveurs is made up of a Franco-Mexican multidisciplinary team of fourteen people specialized in responding to the different activities carried out by the company with the 510 families we work with.
In 2016 Romain Javaux and Nicolas Terrien, two agronomists specialized in tropical rural development, decided to pool their experiences and knowledge to found the company
Commercial director
Romain javaux
Romain Javaux, an agronomist by profession, is the company's commercial and administrative director. His experience in Africa (Guinea) led him to animate a 1,200-member peasant network; He has also worked as a consultant specializing in high quality cocoa.

Technical director
Nicolas Terrien
Nicolas Terrien, an agronomist by profession, is the company's technical and logistics director. His experience in Mexico has led him to direct the International Center for Training in Coffee Growing and Sustainable Development (CICADES), and to participate in the creation of the INCAFESAM federation of coffee growers.
Development Director Chiapas
Crhistian Lopez
Coffee grower by birth and engineer by profession. Founding partner of Tarma Café, with experience in programs to improve the productivity of the industry's MSMEs in the coffee sector by Cafecol AC, as well as being a development instructor for quality control for coffees and development of producers for high-quality coffees. . He collaborated as director of operations with Ensambles cafés Mexicanos, currently participating as Director of operations for Finca Monte Grande, Chiapas. Promoter of edible forests and the improvement of life for producers in Mexico, in collaboration with Cazadores de Sabores.

Head of development Veracruz
Rosenda Cortes
Rosenda Cortés, Environmental Engineer and producer, is responsible for organizational development and strengthening in Veracruz. Her experience in community and ecotourism networks has led her to collaborate with numerous actors in Mexican social and peasant life.
Head of development Oaxaca
Solomon Garcia Moreno
Salomón García Moreno, producer, is responsible for development in Oaxaca. His experience in community development and coffee marketing led him to found Fomcafé, AC., In support of the producers of Oaxaca. He has also directed the National Union of Oaxacan Agricultural Workers (UNTAO)

photo: Stasia Garraway

Technical manager of the area
huasteca veracruzana
Felipe Cruz
Felipe Cruz, agronomist and producer, leader in charge of the technical support of small producers in crop diversification and dissemination of the Edible Forests model. His work is carried out with Otomi, Tepehuas and Nahua ethnic groups.
Technical support
from the coast of Veracruz
David ramirez
David Ramírez, agronomist, producer and vanilla expert, was in charge of the accompaniment and development of production with small organized producers.

Technical support
of the Sierra Norte de Puebla
Noé Felipe Becerra
Agronomist and leading producer in charge of technical accompaniment of small producers in crop diversification and dissemination of the Edible Forests model, his work is carried out in two languages, Spanish and Nahuatl. Experience in coffee production,
vanilla, pepper and other crops.
Technical support
of the Sierra Norte de Puebla
Meliton Ponce Ponce
Agricultural engineer contributes to the success of the objectives of the
rural development with the support of the experience and particular knowledge of Agroindustrial Engineering, which encourages the professional development of the Mexican countryside. With a Totonac mother tongue, he is a specialist in crop diversification.

Certification and bonding
Hope Molina
Esperanza Molina, Mtra. Sustainable Agrifood Innovation, is in charge of organic certification in the field with the groups of producers and the company. In charge of linking with universities and research centers, as well as the program of professional practices and social service with students.
Accounting manager
Ileana Flores Mendoza
Accountant, in charge of professionally and transparently managing the accounting of the company, in addition to carrying out all fiscal processes in detail and making them transparent.

product managers
Luis Manuel Baez
Preparation of finished products, responsible for the storage and quality of the products, as well as shipments to the interior and exterior of the country.