Chasseurs de Saveurs 2020

Vanilla planifolia and pompona, grown agroecologically in the regions of Veracruz, Puebla and Oaxaca.

Our coffees (Coffea Arabica) are grown in the mountains of the South East of Mexico and are characterized by their high quality.

Bicolor Cocoa
The Bicolor Cacao (Cacao Theobroma) called Pataxte, is known to be the chocolate of the Mayans and of much of Mesoamerica.

Melipona honey
The species Scaptotrigona mexicana, native bee of the Veracruz and Puebla region. It is known for being endemic to Mexico that has the peculiarity of not having a sting or poison.

Honey Apis
Our diversity of Apis honey is characterized by the variety of nectars of the flowers from which the bee Apis mellifera produces its honey, in turn, the dew honey of the oak forest, our second variety of apis honey is a A unique find of its kind, produced by the secretion of extra-floral parts of plants, this honey is made by bees through the sap of oak trees, which makes it treasured due to its texture and slightly nutty flavor.

Granulated Panela
The granulated panela is made by women's cooperatives in Hidalgo, Mexico. Obtained by the open evaporation of the sugar cane juice, followed by a crystallization based on nopal slime. What makes this product a 100% natural sweetener.

Our ceylan cinnamon is produced by farmers in the states of Veracruz, Puebla and Oaxaca in an organic way, with the best quality, ideal for the treatment of respiratory and digestive problems. In addition to being known for being an exciting of the nervous system, it is considered one of the aphrodisiac spices par excellence.

With an intense and characteristic smell, one of our spices most appreciated by the gastronomic market, it stands out for its penetrating flavor and aroma between sweet and bitter.


Allspice (Dioecious)
Our pepper crop is associated with coffee, cocoa and vanilla, and offers the right shade and the perfect environment for the development of our other crops.


Season your food with our white or black sesame, and take advantage of its multiple nutritional benefits.
Moringa in its multiple presentations is 100% natural, rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, it contains high amounts of vitamin A, C and E, as well as antioxidants. Ideal to prepare in smoothies, as a nutritional supplement and also due to its antioxidant properties it can be applied as a mask.
Nuestra cultivo de Chile piquin esta producido en Veracrruz y Oaxaca, con un total anual de 3 toneladas