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Vanilla Powder

Vanilla Powder


The delicate aroma of vanilla, now in powder. An aroma concentrate obtained from the grinding of the seed. Our vanilla powder contains the aromatic substances of the pod, excellent for use in confectionery, as it helps to concentrate the aromas and enhance them.

L'arôme délicat de la vanille, maintenant en poudre. A concentré d'arôme obtained for the broyage de la graine. Notre poudre de vanille contains the aromatic substances of the gousse, excellent for a use in confiserie, which helps to concentrate the arômes et à les améliorer.

The delicate aroma of vanilla, now powdered. An aroma concentrate obtained from the grinding of the seed. Our vanilla powder contains the aromatic substances of the pod, excellent for use in confectionery, as it helps to concentrate aromas and enhance them.

Quantity: 6 spices
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